Walk As It Hat
"Walk as It" is an inspirational clothing piece inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza's message that you can become the version of yourself that you desire before it even exists. This shirt serves as a reminder to step into your highest self and walk as if you've already achieved your goals. Crafted with intention and love, start walking as it!
What walking as it means to Inna
As an artist, I know that in order to create something I have to feel it first.
Art never comes from the thinking brain, it comes from the heart.
When I feel stuck in my project I know that it is because the feeling ran away and at that moment there is only one thing that can help me: to change my state of being.
Here comes my box of tools:
For me, the most helpful thing is to move my body.
I am a big fan of walking meditations. Whenever I have time I would drive to the closest park and do it.
Alternatively, I would turn on the music and dance, sing, jump, or exercise. I would concentrate on a feeling I want to feel and act as if I am already feeling it.
I also love to have a list of things I need to buy, so when I feel stuck I would turn on music in my headphones, dress up as the person I want to be and walk to a store as my future self.
After these rituals, I am fully restored and relaxed. I am ready to create.
Also, I found out that the music we listen to makes us behave and feel a certain way.
Recently, I started to be really careful about what I listen to.
My conclusion from my spiritual journey is that everything around us reflects our inner world and if we could elevate our feelings and behavior, nothing would be able to stop us.
In the end, our environment will match our feelings.