Healing through consistent meditation | What inspired Unlocked Movement

Posted by Bhumi Patel on

The idea of Unlocked began in 2021 after a life-altering car accident. Despite the physical and emotional challenges, my brother Jay and friend Rahul provided a source of light during those tough weeks. As I questioned my existence, and started to practice Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations regularly, I found myself gradually becoming happier. I made a promise to prioritize consistency for these healing meditations, and that's precisely what I did.

A few weeks went by, and... Jay and I discussed creating a project that combined creativity, beauty, and financial freedom—leading us to the idea of clothing. Through daily meditation, I experienced a transformative shift, embracing the support of the divine within and trusting the unknown. In February, a profound meditation revealed the purpose behind the accident and the dark period, allowing me to find gratitude in the experience. This moment was profound for me, its still a moment I go back to when remember, during challenging situations. That even the toughest moments, someday I will be grateful for me, and in that sometimes I find peace.

The journey to find manufacturers and test clothing for Unlocked took time and dedication. We prioritize moving towards 100% sustainability and have already made progress with recyclable packaging. Supported by a community of inspiring creators, I visualized and manifested elements like the promo video, logo, and specific hoodies. I am deeply grateful for the support and love from this community, which empowers me to be an example of positive change in the world. Thank you to all who contribute to this incredible journey. Clothing is not necessary by any means to live the life of your dreams, but it serves as a reminder when we forget our true potential or even to just smile because you are alive!



With love,



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